



V.P. ビジネス・ディベロップメント






シニアアクター 国際法 南米 および極東

Rene Del Barco

Legal Intern

Scott Stephenson

Senior Attorney; Corporate and litigation law

Andrew Toig

Attorney; Corporate and Transactional

Jake Kleinschmidt

Administrative Assistant

Gregory Dole

Senior Attorney; International Trade and Aviation



Alexandra Ong

Legal Intern

James R. Waite, Esq.は、企業および取引に関する弁護士で、企業、設備、不動産の売買およびリースにおいて25年以上の経験を有しています。航空会社から機器リース会社まで、さまざまな企業で顧問弁護士、CEO、CFO、COOを務めてきました。米国レンタル協会のレンタル契約に関する本を執筆し、Rental Managementの毎月の記事「Legally Speaking」を執筆し、業界団体の会議で日常的に講演を行っています。テキサス大学サンアントニオ校でファイナンスのBBAを、セントメリーズ大学で法学博士を、ノースウェスタン大学でMBAを取得しています。


ウェイト氏の連絡先は以下の通りです。 [email protected]

ナンシー・レヴィは機器業界で10年以上、販売とマーケティングのリーダーとして活躍し、現在はビジネス開発担当副社長として活躍しています。James Waite Law入社前は、カリフォルニア州サンノゼのUnisysで財務アナリスト、カリフォルニア州サンタモニカのSymantec Corporationで財務マネージャー、カリフォルニア州サンノゼのCadence Design Systems/Tality Corporationで財務マネージャーとして勤務していました。テキサス州サンアントニオのセントメリーズ大学でファイナンスのBBAを取得し、サンタクララ大学でMBAを取得しています。


ナンシーの連絡先はこちら [email protected]

Hannah Powers is the Director of Administration for the James Waite Law firm.  Ms. Powers is experienced in project management, document review, establishing business systems, developing and implementing technological solutions, creating and executing marketing campaigns, facilitating internal & external communication, web management, social media, managing accounts receivable, and customer relations.  Ms. Powers graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Colorado State University and is currently pursuing her master’s degree.

Hannah can be reached at [email protected]

リチャード カウフマンは、30年以上の経験を持つ企業および訴訟の弁護士です。以前は、デンバーの米国弁護士事務所で9年間、裁判弁護士として勤務していました。連邦検事補として、100件以上の雇用差別請求の訴訟や、医療過誤や大怪我の請求など、米国政府に対して起こされた不法行為請求を専門に扱いました。司法省に入省する前は、コロラド州の副司法長官を7年間務め、執行部門の責任者として、コロラド州を代表して証券、税金、メディケイドおよび消費者詐欺事件の訴訟を担当しました。また、州知事とコロラド州議会の両方で司法長官の連絡役を務め、知事に送付されるすべての登録済み法案の法的分析や、立法委員会での証言を通じて司法長官の立法議題を議会に提示しました。また、リチャードは米国空軍の退役軍人でもあります。


Kaufman氏の連絡先は以下の通りです。 [email protected]

Lidia Pinto, Esq. is a senior corporate lawyer with over 15 years of experience serving as inside and outside counsel for various multinational companies, with experience particularly providing service to large Japanese groups doing business worldwide. Ms. Pinto is experienced with transactions involving contracts, corporate law, international trade, taxation, and cross-border issues. Ms. Pinto is a lawyer with different language skills and has an LLM degree in Commercial and Business Law from Liverpool John Moores University – England.

Ms. Pinto is fluent in both English and Portuguese and conversational in Spanish

Pintoさんの連絡先はこちらです。 [email protected]

Rene Del Barco is a University of Puget Sound Coolidge Otis Chapman Honors Program graduate. He received a Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry and two minors in Bioethics and Mathematics. While at the University of Puget Sound, he was the three-year captain of the Varsity Men’s Tennis Team, the President of the Interfraternal Council, and he completed biochemical research on the synthesis of Bismuth Nanoparticles. Rene received numerous awards and recognitions while at the University of Puget Sound such as the Roderick MacArthur Award for excellence in Presentation of the Honors Thesis and the Robin Hamilton Award for Attitude and Effort which led his team to achievement. He has professional experience in the healthcare industry as an operating room technician, an emergency medical technician, and a construction site medical technician. 


Rene is fluent in both English and Spanish and conversational in French


Rene can be reached at [email protected]

Attorney Scott Stephenson is a thirty-year attorney and graduated with his law degree in 1990 from St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas.  Once out of law school, he worked as a misdemeanor and felony prosecutor in both Wichita County and Midland County, Texas from 1990 until 1999.

Following, he worked for Attorney General John Cornyn as the Director of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, a criminal division in the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).  He later served as the General Counsel for the same division.  Scott most recently served 15 years for the Texas Department of Transportation in the Contract Services Division where he was responsible for reviewing every type of negotiated contract TxDOT handles, taught contracting classes to department staff, and negotiated high-dollar purchase orders.

He has extensive experience with the entire body of private entity agreements involving TxDOT, including professional services contracts, environmental agreements, right-of-way acquisition provider agreements, donation agreements, radio tower leases, purchase orders, etc.  Additionally, Scott has reviewed the myriad of intergovernmental agreements for TxDOT, specifically interagency agreements, interlocal and interstate agreements, federal agreements, multiple-use agreements, and advance funding agreements.

Mr. Stephenson can be reached at [email protected]

Andrew Toig, Esq., is a corporate and transactional attorney with experience as in-house general counsel for a Fortune 250 company and a Denver-area public utility. He has specialized in drafting, negotiating, and reviewing a variety of commercial contracts.


While attending Colorado College, Mr. Toig survived a near-fatal motor vehicle accident. He overcame these life-altering injuries, including the loss of his left eye, to graduate from Colorado College with a BA in History and then earned a Juris Doctor from the Duke University School of Law where he founded a student group to advocate for law students with disabilities.


Mr. Toig is currently a board member of Colorado Consumer Insurance Council, an active member of the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce, and the Colorado State Bar Association.


Andrew can be reached at: [email protected]

Jake Kleinschmidt serves as the Administrative Assistant at the JWL firm, where he demonstrates a steadfast dedication to facilitating seamless client communication, proficient project management, effective problem-solving, process optimization, collaborative endeavors, and website development.  


With a diverse background encompassing entrepreneurship, real estate, and marketing, Jake brings a rich reservoir of expertise to his current role. Additionally, as a licensed Realtor in the state of Colorado, serving the Denver-Metro area, Jake leverages his real estate experience to provide valuable insights, including contractual review, negotiation, and comprehensive knowledge.  


Throughout his career, Jake has consistently shown a resolute commitment to delivering innovative solutions that surpass expectations, supported by his bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurial Studies, which he graduated Cum Laude from Grand Canyon University. 


Jake can be reached at: [email protected]

Gregory Dole is a senior attorney with James Waite Law, with over 27 years of experience as an International Trade attorney. 


After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in 1970, he served as an officer in the U.S. Navy on the USS Midway, and subsequently attended Georgetown Law.


Greg spent the next 4 years working for the senior Republican on the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, and had the distinct honor to work for President Ronald Reagan as the Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs. Following, he then devoted 27 years working as the International Trade attorney with the Boeing Company-the largest U.S. exporter of manufactured goods.


Mr. Dole can be reached at [email protected]

ロベルト・サントスは、税務・ビジネスコンサルティングのブティック企業であるトラスト&タックス・コンサルティングのマネージング・ディレクターです。 経営コンサルタントとして10年以上の経験を持ち、包括的な事業計画、経営構造、国際税務計画、事業継承、経営者財産計画、最適な事業構造の設計、企業経営者や個人に対する財務・税務モデリングと指導、プライベートエクイティファンドの設計と実施に携わっています。


サントス氏の連絡先は以下のとおりです。 [email protected]

Alexandra is a second-year J.D. student at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. She is from Fort Worth, Texas, and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. There, she earned a BBA in Management with a specialized Pre-Law focus and a certificate in International Business Studies.


Alexandra is passionate about business and plans to pursue a career in corporate law. Currently serving as a student attorney in the Community and Economic Development Clinic at Sturm College of Law, she offers invaluable counsel to nonprofits and small businesses. Her role involves drafting legal documents and memoranda tailored to meet the unique needs of her clients.


Furthermore, Alexandra is the Staff Editor for the Race to the Bottom, a dynamic student-faculty blog renowned for its insightful discussions on corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, cryptocurrency, and securities law.


Alexandra is also an Evidence Research Assistant, entrusted with updating the Colorado Evidence Courtroom Manual for republishing. Her dedication to legal scholarship is further evidenced by her active involvement in the Student Trial Lawyers Association and the Business Law Society at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.


Ms. Ong can be reached at [email protected]